Normal Operation



Normal Operation



Normal Operation



Athens Urban Rail Transport would retrieve energy through the trains electric breaking. For this purpose, 2 substations of Line 1 of Metro will be redeveloped.

Under the agreement between Athens Urban Rail Transport and Siemens Mobility SA – on August 2024 – a “green” and innovative plan for the Greek standards will take place. It has to do with the renovation of two substations of Line 1 of Metro and with the installation of the new system of energy recovery that comes from trains electric breaking.

Under this project Athens Urban Rail Transport is taking a new measure to save energy and help the environment. With the renovation of the two substations of Line 1 – Neo Faliro and Iraklion – a system will convert the energy that produces the trains brakes το electric energy.  This new system will be installed for the first time in a Greek Railway Network. It is estimated that will be recovered energy of 4.500 MWh annually, which is the 12,5% of the annual energy consumption of the Line 1 of Metro “Piraeus – Kifisia”.

The international invitation to tender took place on February 5th through the National System of Electronic Public Procurement (ESIDIS). This project which is financed by the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) was taken by «Siemens Mobility S.A.»  for 4.136.404,21€. The project is determined to be completed within 28 months.