Normal Operation



Normal Operation



Normal Operation




For STASY SA,Social Responsibility is an integral part of its philosophy and strategy and is geared towards Society, Environment, Culture and Employees.

It is inextricably linked to the social, economic and cultural life of the capital in which it operates, recognising that the people of the city are its strength.

The Department of Corporate Social Responsibility & Cultural Heritage of STASY realizes its responsibility towards society, citizens and the environment and constantly expands its activities by concluding new cooperation contracts aiming at developing and promoting the company, strengthening its relations with passengers, communicating with its people and providing support in these areas.

The aim is to highlight and promote Corporate Social Responsibility in four sub-areas:

Society Environment Culture Employees

At the same time, its main concern is to boost activities that cultivate the company’s human resources, volunteering and social contribution, supporting humanitarian initiatives and contributing to the work of recognised social bodies and organisations, always focusing on social contribution, the promotion of culture and the historical, cultural and folklore diversity of the country.

The Department of Corporate Social Responsibility & Cultural Heritage cooperateswith, promotes and supports social bodies, institutions and foundations for culture and the arts that are geared towards societyand,in particular,their effortsto highlight their work and penetrate society. This is viewed asan integral part of communication and social interaction with passengersand society, coupled withthe chanceto build and strengthen:

  • Participation
  • Communication
  • Confidence building
  • Society facilitation.
The company consistently supports important social and cultural activities,such as events in collaboration with non-profit organisations, social and cultural bodies, social events of high quality standards and excellent production.
At the same time, it supports the promotion of modern works of art and antiquities at the Metro stations of Lines 1, 2 and 3, the operation of the Museum of Electric Railways, as well as educational visits and tours by schools at the network stations.

It aims to highlight and promote Corporate Social Responsibility in four individual areas: Society, Environment, Employees and Market. Among other actions in this context, STASY SA has concluded cooperation agreements with bodies such as the National Theatre, the Greek Festival of Athens & Epidaurus, the National Opera, the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus, the Athens Concert Hall,etc.

The social welfare policy implemented by STASY functions to the benefit of vulnerable groups, safeguarding human rights, protecting the environment and preserving the cultural heritage. The corporate social responsibility it implements is recognised and accepted by passenger and society, as shown by the awards and tributes it has received for its transport work.

Measures to prevent environmental noise pollution

and general deterioration of the aural environment

metrisi thorivou
The company’s objective through these measurements is to address and manage environmental noise in the context of implementing relevant national provisions, but also complying with the relevant European Directive. The technical specifications for the approval of environmental traffic noise monitoring systems make it easier and more efficient to prevent environmental noise pollution and the general deterioration of the aural environment caused by the operation of transport infrastructure. In addition,
in the context of environmental impact studies and environmental terms for the operation of transport infrastructure, the necessary  auralanti-pollution measures are adopted in order to prevent or limit adverse effects, including disturbance from exposure to environmental noise.In light of the foregoing, in August 2021 STASY finalized the outcome of the call to tender for the “Provision of noise and vibration measurement services during the operation of STASY and preparation of the required technical reports for the monitoring of environmental conditions for the year 2021” and then awarded the relevant study to a contractor.
The contract on additional measurements included 24 technical reports of additional measurements and corresponding reports onproposed measures to measure noise and vibrations.
The prescribed aural airborne noise measurements were carried out with special self-propelled noise monitoring stations, duly configured to meet the requirements of the new European Noise Directive (with a measurement height of 4 metres above the ground), equipped with statistical noise analysers and all weather microphone configuration [see the photographs].